In 2019, Radnor Lake State Natural Area had 1.7 million visitors.
Radnor Lake State Natural Area is 1,402 acres.
With this classification comes the most restrictive set of land management rules of any state park. Technically, protection of natural resources is the highest priority in this designation, and all activities must be conducive to nature observation and research to maintain the Class II classification.
There are six miles of trails with varying levels of intensity. A trail map can be found here.
These activities interfere with wildlife observation and upset the delicate balance of the sensitive ecosystem maintained at Radnor Lake. You can, however, jog, bike, and take your dogs on the road. Picnicking handouts and left-behind crumbs can also affect the wildlife and ecosystem in negative ways.
There are two all-terrain wheelchairs for use by people with disabilities, which must be reserved in advance of your visit. Call (615) 373-3467 for more information and to make a reservation.
Call the Radnor Lake Park office at (615) 373-3467. Do not touch or try to help the animal. In most cases, the natural instincts of wildlife will play out and the situation will resolve best without human interaction. Park Rangers are trained in Wildlife Management and will assess the situation and intervene as necessary once alerted to the presence of the injured animal.
Leave the animal alone and stay on the trails/road. Keep your dogs leashed and away from the animal. It is natural for a doe to leave a fawn alone in a safe place for hours while the mother forages. Provided the fawn is not carrying a human scent and when there are no humans in the area, the doe will retrieve the fawn.
The experienced Radnor staff stays busy leading a variety of programs including wildflower walks, moonlight hikes, canoe floats, reptile programs, and birds of prey demonstrations. Click here for a program schedule of events.
Children from public schools, private schools, churches, and inner-city programs can come to Radnor for group programming led by rangers with the intent to inspire interest in and respect for nature in them. For group program information, please see the Groups and Special Needs Visitors page here.
During the summer months, the Junior Rangers Intern Program engages teenagers in a week-long program working in the park to provide environmental education and exposure to the work of park management. Application for this program is conducted in March; interns are engaged for sessions of six consecutive days in June and July.
Research is the foundation for valuable environmental education and has been ongoing throughout Radnor Lake’s history. We have worked with Middle Tennessee State University, Henderson State University (Arkansas), David Lipscomb University, and Pennsylvania State University to conduct research on the turtle, deer, coyote and waterfowl populations, and to identify historic artifacts and rare plant species at Radnor Lake State Natural Area.