Weeds in the Woods Hike at Radnor Lake
On Saturday, March 17th Radnor Lake and our partners at Vanderbilt-Dyer Observatory hosted a special hike by Dr. Robert Loeb from Penn State University. This hike was our spring kick-off hike offered at Radnor Lake as part of Tennessee State Parks Spring Hike Initiative across the State of Tennessee and will highlight the long-term vegetative research conducted at Radnor Lake between Tennessee State Parks, Tennessee Division of Natural Areas, Friends of Radnor Lake and Penn State University. 8 park visitors attended this hike, which also included viewing one of our newest plant discoveries at Radnor Lake State Natural Area and the focus of our current research regarding the impact of invasive-exotic plant. This research has been funded by Friends of Radnor Lake for the past 4 years and is part of our annual vegetative research with Penn State University.
In addition, the Weeds in the Woods Hike will cap off our Invasive Plant Week work with our partners at the Nashville Weed Wrangle aimed at educating park visitors on the invasive-exotic plants impact upon native ecosystems such as Radnor Lake State Natural Area.
Special thanks to Vanderbilt-Dyer Observatory for allowing us to conduct this hike from their parking area on Saturday