Volunteers needed for World Wetlands Day 2021 at Radnor Lake

On February 2nd, 2021 we will focus on the protection of our wetlands, streams, watershed, and overall value of land acquisition watershed protection at Radnor Lake State Natural Area by removing all trash and invasive-exotic plants.
Last year, in just over 3+ hours we worked hand in hand together (24 volunteers and staff), hiking over 5+ miles as we collected over 387lbs of trash/recyclable material (over 150lbs recycled) from over 36+ acres of state natural area. We all look forward to the day we will be unable to find any trash or invasive-exotic plants in the natural area, until then this volunteer event is here to stay!
Radnor Lake is currently 1 of 5 sites registered in North America, hope you can spread the word of this unique volunteer opportunity to make our natural area a little better. For 2021 and our continued volunteer program safety focus, group sizes limited to 8 (7+ 1 ranger) will mean that we will offer multiple volunteer opportunities (to get dirty) on the ground seeing firsthand these unique-critical habitats that provide so much support to the diversity of our ecosystem at the natural area.
Special thanks to Friends of Radnor Lake for financially supporting this worthwhile effort, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency for a $1,000 Clean Streams Grant this past summer to fund clean-up supplies for WWD 2021 and we hope you can join us for World Wetlands Day at Radnor Lake!
To register for one of our World Wetland Volunteer Events, please visit the following link: