Volunteer Day – February 24, 2018
Over 70 park volunteers came to Radnor Lake on Saturday, February 24th to assist the park staff with two projects. For our first project, volunteers worked with Ranger Teshia Steuben and Ranger Matthew Bowling on installing the remaining trees to trails recycled Christmas tree mulch along the Lake Trail via wheelbarrow from the west parking area.
Our second volunteer project was a clean up of our newly acquired Harris 3 Tract along Franklin Road working with Ranger Will Peters and Ranger Paul Schauer. Thanks to our neighbors at the Church of the Advent, we were able to stage this volunteer event from their church parking area to efficiently manage our volunteer needs to collect over three truck loads of trash between Lakemont Drive and Franklin Pike Circle. That trash is now staged at our park maintenance area at Radnor Lake and will be sorted to maximize our recycling efforts. Thank you to our friends of Church of the Advent for working with us on this project yesterday!
Thank you to all of our volunteers who came out yesterday to work with us on these two projects. Special thanks to our support of our volunteer program Rick and Dana Short who provided bottled water for our volunteers yesterday and for Friends of Radnor Lake who provided pizza for all of our volunteers and staff yesterday…..it was greatly appreciated!