Trees to Trail Collection at Radnor Lake

Trees to Trails
December 26, 2018 – January 31, 2019
West Parking lot ONLY
Clean Earth Collections is donating their time and equipment to turn your trees into mulch for the trails.
To make the process safe every tree must meet the following:
- NO Nails or Bolts
- NO Metal hooks or wire of any kind
- NO Stands or Partial Stands including Nails, Bolts or Wood
- NO Frosted Trees—Chemicals harm the lake!
- NO Ornaments, Lights, Tinsel or Decorations
- NO Wreaths or Garland
Each donation must be free of the above because it damages the chipper or litters the trail. Violators will be cited for illegal dumping.
Thank You for taking the time to assure that your donation is safe.