Tennessee State Parks 1-day Basic Chainsaw Operations

Over 100 state park employees attended a series of 1-day basic chainsaw operations courses were offered the past two weeks at Meeman-Shelby, Natchez Trace, Fall Creek Falls and Norris Dam State Parks.
This goal of this training is to provide a fundamental baseline of safe chainsaw operations for all personnel in state parks. The training and skills covered in this 1-day basic chainsaw operation course were important to a number of activities and is part of the training requirement for all TSP personnel in accordance with the Hazard Tree Policy for Tennessee State Parks.
Including trail maintenance, park maintenance and invasive-exotic plant removal. Participants of this course are also taught an emergency medical response review by Standing Stone Park Manager Chris Cole to prevent/respond to medical emergencies frequently associated with chainsaw injuries.
Primary instructor for this course was Mike Huddleston (consulting forester / retired TN Division of Forestry) who will do a field demonstration on safe chainsaw operations, safe limbing techniques and chainsaw preventive maintenance.
Thank you to the Chief Ranger’s Office for funding this training for our state park personnel across the state for these 4 trainings offered this past month!
Special thank you to Norris Dam State Park, Natchez Trace State Park, Meeman-Shelby State Park and Fall Creek Falls State Park for their hospitality so we could offer these 1-day training opportunities for our state park personnel.