Tennessee Ornithological Society (T.O.S.) Bird Walks Wrap Up for Fall 2014


The Tennessee Ornithological Society (T.O.S.) wrapped up its Fall 2014 Wednesday Bird Walks at Radnor Lake State Natural Area yesterday (October 15th, 2014). Members of T.O.S. led a total of 6 hikes at Radnor Lake on Wednesday mornings for park visitors this Fall. 


Birding counts for each of the Fall Walks  by T.O.S. at Radnor Lake State Natural Area is available at http://radnorlake.org/2014-fall-bird-list/.


Special thanks to volunteers Scott Block and Steve Rutledge for providing counts after each hike!  


T.O.S. Hike at Radnor Lake on October 15th, 2014. Pix by Steve Ward
T.O.S. Hike at Radnor Lake on October 15th, 2014. Pix by Steve Ward


Pix by Bob Belser Octobe 15th, 2014 @ Radnor Lake SNA.  Pix by Bob Belser
Pix by Bob Belser Octobe 15th, 2014 @ Radnor Lake SNA. Pix by Bob Belser

Pix by Bob Belser Octobe 15th, 2014 @ Radnor Lake SNA
Pix by Bob Belser Octobe 15th, 2014 @ Radnor Lake SNA