SSPPS at Radnor Lake (December 10th, 2014)

On Wednesday, December 10th visitors from the Southeastern State Parks Programs Seminar(SSPPS) visited Radnor Lake for a tour which consisted of a visit to the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center, Waterfowl Identification and Exotic-invasive plant removal by the Radnor Lake Park Ranger Staff, Seasonal Will Peters, State Naturalist Randy Hedgepath and Middle Tennessee Regional Interpetor John Froeschauer.

Special Thanks Program Services Director Jeff Wells for arranging this tour with the Radnor Lake Staff. All pictures courtesy of Ranger Sam King.


Dec. 10th, 2014 Pix by Ranger Sam King
Dec. 10th, 2014 Pix by Ranger Sam King

Dec. 10th, 2014 Pix by Ranger Sam King
Dec. 10th, 2014 Pix by Ranger Sam King