Spring First Hike at Radnor Lake State Natural Area
Pictured Above: March 19th First Hike at Radnor Lake 2016. Picture by Steve Ward
Weeds in the Woods Hike by Dr. Robert Loeb from Penn State University
On Saturday, March 19th (1pm-3pm) Radnor Lake hosted a special hike by Dr. Robert Loeb from Penn State University. This hike was part of Tennessee State Parks Spring Hike Initiative across the state today and focused on the long-term research partnership between Penn State University, Friends of Radnor Lake and Tennessee State Parks.
In addition, this hike capped off our Invasive Plant Week work with our partners at the Nashville Weed Wrangle aimed at educating park visitors on the invasive-exotic plants impact upon native ecosystems such as Radnor Lake State Natural Area.
We would like to thank all of our partners, participants of the hike, all of our volunteers during Invasive Plant Week and for Dr. Robert Loeb for conducting this hike during his annual week of research during March at Radnor Lake!