Spring Bird Classes at Radnor Lake
Spring Bird Class April 10 – May 15, 2018
SPRING BIRDSONG WORKSHOP at Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville TN
This class is designed for those who have had a beginning class, or already have some basic knowledge of our birds, although beginners will be welcome. Emphasis will be on bird identification by song, “birding by ear”, as well as by sight. Participants will be trained for finding and identifying birds by song, especially those colorful songsters the wood warblers, some of whom are seasonal migrants and only stay for a brief visit. Radnor Lake is the perfect place to find and study songbirds, and we will take advantage of this with instructor-led bird walks specifically for this class.
Class dates: TUESDAYS April 10, 17, 24, & May 1, 8, & 15 Please note that this is a change of day and longer class than previous years.
First meeting: TUESDAY April 10, from 10AM – 12:00 noon, in the visitor center meeting room Radnor Lake State Natural Area, 1160 Otter Creek Rd., Nashville. Subsequent Tuesdays will begin with early bird walk.
BIRD WALKS BEFORE CLASS starting Tuesday April 17, begin at 7:30 AM. With classroom study from 10 AM to 12 Noon. The morning walks will continue thru May 15, with the last class room session May 8th.
There is a $75 fee for this 6-week class, with a portion of the fee going to Friends of Radnor Lake S.N.A. Class size limited to 20 participants.
Students will also be encouraged to participate in separately sponsored local bird outings such as NTOS Wednesday morning walks at Radnor Lake, bird walks at Metro Parks, and outings sponsored by TOS and Audubon, etc.
CONTACT RICHARD TO REGISTER for the class, not the park. email Rconnorsphoto@aol.com, hm/office 615 832-0521, or mobile 615 330-7142 (call or text)
See this page for more information: http://www.pbase.com/rconnorsnaturephoto/bird_class_2018