Road and East Parking Area Closure at Radnor Lake for paving – June 26th – 29th

This notice is to make you aware that the City of Oak Hill will be paving Otter Creek Road from June 26th thru June 29th, 2023.
Road prep work will be done on June 26th and 27th and paving will take place on June 28th and 29th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Radnor Lake East Entrance and Parking Area off Franklin Road will be closed for safety reasons and to assist with the efficiency to get this work completed asap. There will be no vehicle access or parking off Franklin Road onto Otter Creek Road for park visitors Monday (June 26) thru Thursday (June 29).
The East Parking Area at Radnor Lake and access from Franklin Road will resume back to normal opening time (6am) starting on Friday, June 30th.
The Radnor Lake east entrance gate will be closed on the east side of the park during the paving project. Rangers will be posted at Franklin Pike to direct park traffic and park-goers around to the Forest Hills entrance.
We want to thank everyone for their patience and compliance for this long-awaited paving improvement outside the park. Special thank you to the City of Oak Hill for coordinating this with park management and making this road improvement!