November 22nd Volunteer Day at Radnor Lake State Natural Area
On Saturday, November 22nd the park staff worked with 60+ volunteers on trail projects along the South Lake Trail and on invasive-exotic plant removal at the Hideaway Tract. Volunteers worked with Ranger Leslie Anne Rawlings installing mulch along the South Lake Trail by wheelbarrow.
SIR Will Peters and Ranger Sam King worked with volunteers removing invasive-exotic bush honeysuckle on the hideaway tract as part of our efforts to remove 100 acres of invasive-exotic plants in the next year.
Volunteers included REI staff, Hands on Nashville and Friends of Radnor Lake. Friends of Radnor Lake provided bottled water, lunch for all the volunteers and set up in West Parking Area to sell t-shirts and our 2015 calendars by Robin Conover.
Thank you to all of our volunteers, the park staff, Friends of Lake Board Members and our partners for another great volunteer day at Radnor Lake State Natural Area……great work! Our next volunteer day will be on January 24th at 8am.
FORL at West Parking Area on November 22nd, 2014. Pix by S. Ward Nov. 22nd Vol. Trail Day. Pix by Leslie Anne Rawlings Nov. 22nd Vol. Trail Day. Pix by Leslie Anne Rawlings Nov. 22nd Vol. Trail Day. Pix by Leslie Anne Rawlings Nov. 22nd Vol. Trail Day. Pix by Leslie Anne Rawlings Nov. 22nd Vol. Trail Day. Pix by Leslie Anne Rawlings Nov. 22nd Volunteer Trail Day pix by Steve Ward 2014 Nov. 22nd Volunteer Trail Day pix by Steve Ward 2014 Nov. 22nd Volunteer Trail Day pix by Steve Ward 2014 Nov. 22nd Volunteer Trail Day pix by Steve Ward 2014 SIR Will Peters working with volunteers on the Hideaway Tract Nov. 22nd, 2014. Pix by S.Ward