New Invasive Plant Brochure at Radnor Lake State Natural Area

As part of our resource management goals for 2015, Radnor Lake State Natural Area has completed a new invasive plant brochure to enhance our education efforts with park visitors and neighbors. This brochure was funded thanks to a recent Forestry Stewardship Grant (USDA-Forest Service and Tennessee Division of Forestry) and donations thru Friends of Radnor Lake. Ranger Sam King and FORL Operations Manager Gretchen Pritchett worked diligently together with several of our partners over the past 6 months to get this project done on time and under our project budget! Special thanks to all of our partners who contributed to their time to this brochure; Tennessee Division of Forestry, Tennessee State Parks, Friends of Radnor Lake, Radnor Lake Staff, Penn State University and Tennessee Division of Natural Areas. This new brochure will greatly enhance our outreach efforts on the importance of native plants, removing invasive-exotic plants and the impact volunteers can make in our collective efforts in protecting the natural area. On March 28th, we will be focusing our monthly volunteer day on removing invasive-exotic plants as we work toward our goal of removing 100 acres of invasive-exotic plants from Radnor Lake in 2015. There will also be a powerpoint presentation by SIR Will Peters as part of this work day which begins at 8am until noon. Printed copies of the new invasive plant brochure and lunch will be provided by Friends of Radnor Lake.