National Trails Day at Radnor Lake

As part of Tennessee State Parks statewide celebration of National Trails Day, Radnor Lake hosted several events over the weekend for park visitors.
• Ranger Matthew Bowling led a interpretive sunset canoe float on Friday June 1st.
• Ranger Teshia Steuben led a sunrise interpretive canoe float on Saturday, June 2nd.
• Dr. Doug Heffington from Henderson State University led two interpretive hikes for park visitors on Saturday morning.
• National Trails Day Volunteer Trail Day: Ranger Paul Schauer and Ranger Teshia Steuben worked with 60+ volunteers on trail projects on the Historic Valve House Trail and on the South Cove Trail.
• Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Center open house on Saturday afternoon with reptile and birds of prey programs offered for park visitors by Ranger Matthew Bowling, Radnor Staff Mackenzie Maness and Ranger Will Peters.
• Friends of Radnor Lake and our partners at Vanderbilt-Dyer Observatory hosted “Radnor in the Round” songwriters event to raise funds for Radnor Lake and cap off our National Trails Day Weekend!
Park management would like to thank all of our park office staff (Ann and Lyndy) who worked countless hours this weekend to serve all of park visitors & volunteers, all of our volunteers who worked with us on our Volunteer Trail Day on June 2nd, Friends of Radnor Lake for providing lunch and bottled water for our volunteers and staff, Dr. Doug Heffington for leading two hikes for park visitors, Vanderbilt-Dyer Observatory Staff for hosting our event on Sunday, Phil Vasser, FORL Board Member Will Robinson and all of the songwriters who performed for our 1st Annual Radnor in the Round! It was a great National Trails Day Weekend at Radnor Lake!