National Safe Boating Week Training at Radnor Lake: Basics of River & Lake Canoe Clinic (May 21-22)

Tennessee State Parks kicked off National Safe Boating Week (May 21nd thru 28th, 2021) with a Basics of River & Lake Canoe Clinic at Radnor Lake on Friday, May 21st thru Saturday May 22nd.
This course was designed with state park ranger planning, coordinating and leading safe canoe trips at our state parks and state natural areas across the State of Tennessee. This is an American Canoe Association certified canoe basics course. Through the years we’ve provided instruction to hundreds of individuals, paddlers from all over the Southeast, park rangers, fire fighters, law enforcement personnel, and rescue professionals. The clinic included land-based and river-based instruction, and realistic scenarios.
Subject Areas:
– Basic Paddling Strokes
– River Reading
– Canoe Parts & Designs
– Safe Entry, Exit, and Transfer of Canoes
– Trip Planning
– Four W’s – Wind, Weather, Water, & Waves
– River/Lake Hazards
– Essential Eligibility of ADA Participants
– Throw Rope Usage
– Life Vest & Proper Usage
– Assisted Rescues
Thank you to instructors Jim McCool, Charlie Wilkerson, and James Woodall for teaching this class again this year for our state park rangers across the State of Tennessee.
Special thanks to Tennessee State Parks Chief Ranger’s Office and Friends of Radnor Lake for supporting-funding for this safety focused training as we kick off Safe Boating Week in Tennessee!