Motlow College Garlic Mustard Eradication (May 23rd, 2018)
Future Motlow College TN Promise student Tim Neidzielski (right) volunteered at Radnor Lake State Natural Area on the 23rd of May 2018. Tim assisted Motlow College Biology Professors Richie Wyckoff and Kevin Fitch in the removal of 190 pounds an invasive species – Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) along the Lake Trail. Ranger Matthew Bowling and Ranger Brandon Jarratt assisted by carrying out the 190 lbs of plants for proper disposal on May 24th.
This is the second work day during May that Motlow Professors and students have assisted in these exotic-invasive plant removal efforts at the natural area. Thank you to Motlow College for their continued assistance in our efforts to eradicate this plant from Radnor Lake State Natural Area.
Garlic Mustard is an exotic-invasive plant introduced from Europe and is capable of producing numerous seeds, out-competing our native wildflowers. Garlic mustard management requires that the species be pulled up by hand. It is then bagged, carried out and disposed of to ensure the seeds to not spread within the natural area.
Volunteer work is critical to natural areas management and these precious natural resources thrive on the help of numerous volunteers.