Motlow College at Radnor Lake

Motlow College TNPromise students Kayla Cuyugan and Ramtin Koushkabaghi volunteered at Radnor Lake State Natural Area on the 7th of May 2018. The students assisted Park Manager Steve Ward and Motlow College Professor Kevin Fitch in the removal of an invasive species – Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata).
Garlic Mustard is an invasive plant introduced from Europe. It is capable of producing numerous seeds and can out-compete many of our native wildflowers because it has no natural predators or diseases in this country. Garlic mustard management requires that the species be pulled up by hand, it is then bagged to collect any seeds which often mature even after the plant is pulled up by the roots.
Special thanks to Professor Kevin Fitch and Motlow students for their assistance.