Mack Prichard Day (March 31st, 2021) at Radnor Lake State Natural Area
March 31st has been declared Mack Prichard day by Governor Bill Lee. Mack was the first State Archaeologist and then the first State Naturalist for Tennessee State Parks. His work was fundamental in establishing more than 40 state parks – state natural areas and he continues to serve as an inspiration for people to support, visit and love natural spaces and cultural resources. He used his abilities to preserve the spaces he loved, not just for himself, but for the benefit of us all.
In honor of this special day, Radnor Lake will be hosting the following special events in Mack’s honor:
1. Thanks to our friends at Tennessee Wildside, they have provided us a past interview with Mack that was filmed primarily at Radnor Lake in his honor. Thank you Tennessee Wildside for offering to do this special tribute to our visitors at Radnor Lake! This video will air continuously in the Walter Criley Visitor Center Audio Visual Room 7am-7pm daily starting on March 27th thru April 3rd, 2021 in Mack’s honor.
2. Ranger Matthew Bowling will be conducting a free beginner birding hike- interpretive program at 7am on March 31st in honor of Mack Prichard Day. Registration is required and available at the following link:
3. Mack was a staunch advocate of “volunteerism”, in that our volunteer program at Radnor Lake will be offering two special-engaging volunteer invasive plant removal opportunity and tour of the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center on Saturday, March 27th and on Wednesday, March 31st.
“Mack was a long-time friend to Radnor Lake and is one of the giants of conservation in the State of Tennessee. Our staff at Radnor Lake is honored to be able to participate in this special day for Mack” Park Manager Steve Ward
Mack’s unique-engaging interpretive program style drew in audiences, he was the master of the presenting slide shows across our state promoting and protecting many of our Tennessee State Park and Tennessee Division of Natural Areas such as Radnor Lake.
We encourage you to learn more about Mack Prichard at or get involved by volunteering on March 31st for this invasive-exotic plant removal day and tour at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center at the following link: