Jr. Ranger Intern Program at Radnor Lake (Session #3-July 15th thru 20th, 2019)
On Saturday, July 20th we wrapped up the 3rd and final session of our Jr. Ranger Intern Program for 2019. This program funded by Friends of Radnor Lake is the highlight of our summer at the natural area as local youth interns work with the park ranger staff for a 6 day period each session. This is our 17th year of this internship program that engages youth with our park staff to help improve the natural area!
The focus of the 3rd Session of the Jr. Ranger Intern Program was our work at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center to remove and replace all of the gravel used in each aviary via wheelbarrow, deep clean with the use of pressure washing and make perch improvements. This was a very labor intensive effort to improve the care of our birds of prey at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Center which included filling/pushing over 75 wheelbarrows of new gravel down the boardwalk. Special thanks to FORL Board Member Lester Turner, Wings to Soar-John Stokes and our aviary Vetenarian Dr. Chris Keller for working with these youth at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center!
In addition, our interns worked with the ranger staff on replacing wood fencing at the spillway area. Thank you to all of our youth interns that worked with us over these three sessions (18-days), the hard work by the park staff, support from State Park Leadership of this program and for the critical financial support offered by Friends of Radnor Lake to make this program possible at Radnor Lake!