International Mountain Day Sunset Hike at Radnor Lake
Celebrated on December 11th annually, International Mountain Day is an international observance day whose goal is to raise awareness about the role that mountainous regions play in the lives of people and their importance to our planet. On December 20th, 2002, the United Nations designated December 11th as International Mountain Day.
On Friday, December 9th we kicked off 2022 International Mountain Day at Radnor Lake with 5 visitors attending our 3-hour hike. The focus of our sunset hike was the Hideaway Tract Ridgetop acquired in 2014 thanks to the partnership between a great adjoining landowner, Friends of Radnor Lake, The Land Trust of Tennessee and the State of Tennessee.
“Thinking like a mountain” is the term coined by Aldo Leopold in his book A Sand County Almanac and our focus-inspiration as we hosted our third celebration of International Mountain Day at Radnor Lake State Natural Area.
This unique hike-volunteer-resource management focused effort started with a strenuous hike to the Hideaway Ridgetop thru our native grasslands’ restoration areas in the Hall Farm. Once on the Hideaway Ridgetop, we removed endangered plant research stations for approximately 45 minutes to restore this beautiful ridgetop back to its natural state.
Thank you to our visitors who attending our hike to celebrate International Mountain Day 2022 at Radnor Lake and for their time to help us w/our resource management stewardship goals!