Full Moon Painting at Radnor Lake on September 27th, 2015

Chestnut Members Enjoy Full Moon Paint-out at Radnor Lake
Members of the The Chestnut Group painted by the light of the moon (and some stubborn cloud cover!) at Radnor Lake on Sunday evening, September 27th, under the watchful eye of Park Manager Steve Ward.
Chestnut members are “plein air” painters, meaning they paint outdoors in the open air. The Chestnut Group is a nonprofit organization that works with other nonprofit organizations like the Friends of Radnor Lake, to help protect and preserve our State’s natural areas, historic landmarks, and vanishing landscapes.
Chestnut painters have been painting around Radnor Lake State Natural Area since last summer preparing for an exhibit and sale of paintings that will be held at the Walter Criley Visitor Center at Radnor Lake over the weekend of November 6-8, from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day. A major portion of the sale proceeds will go to the Friends of Radnor Lake to help fund programs benefiting the Radnor Lake State Natural Area.
The public is invited to the exhibit and sale. The Walter Criley Visitor Center at Radnor Lake is located at 1160 Otter Creek Road off of Granny White Pike in Nashville.
Park management would like to thank the Chestnut Group, Friends of Radnor Lake and all of our painters who are volunteering their time the past year to make this event a huge success!