Congratulations to Rangers Will Brazill and Dameon Fontenot
Congratulations to Ranger Will Brazill and Ranger Dameon Fontenot for successfully completing their Certified Interpretive Guide Training on December 7th, 2020. This 18-day, 32-hour certification is based on curriculum designed by the National Association for Interpretation (NAI), which is the certifying body for these training workshops.
The focus of this training is environmental, historical, or heritage interpretation, and helps participants improve their presentation techniques. The course combines the theoretical foundations of the profession with practical strategies for delivering quality interpretive programming to visitors.
Thank you to Friends of Radnor Lake for providing funding assistance for this ranger training-certification during COVID-19 so that this training could be done on-site while we also managed record all-time park visitation at the natural area in 2020. Great job Will and Dameon!