Birds of Prey Workshop at Radnor Lake

Thanks to the partnership between Friends of Radnor Lake and the State of Tennessee, State Parks Staff from across the state traveled to Radnor Lake for a 2-day Birds of Prey Training on March 28th & 29th thanks to the leadership/direction of Tennessee State Parks Director of Operations, Mike Robertson and Director of Interpretive Programming and Education, Rob Barrett.
Twenty-five participants from parks across the state gathered for the two-day training to learn handling techniques, programming best practices, and how to keep birds in our care happy and healthy. Thanks to instructors, Dr. Christian Keller, John Stokes and Dale Kernahan of Wings to Soar, TSP Regional Interpreter David Haggard and Rusty Bowles and Sonia Mongold of Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
Special thank you to the Friends of Radnor Lake for financial support via providing breakfast and lunch each day for our training, Lyndy Maness (Radnor Lake) and Leigh Hardcastle (State Parks) for coordinating this important two-day training to raise our standard of care for captive birds of prey across Tennessee State Parks.