Birds of Prey Training at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center at Radnor Lake (June 27th and 28th, 2017)
On June 27th and 28th, 2017 the Radnor Lake Staff participated in two days of birds of prey training by our partners at Wings to Soar. This training was conducted by Dale Kernahan and John Stokes with the non-profit organization, Wings to Soar who have worked with the ranger staff at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center at Radnor Lake over the past 3+ years.
Wings to Soar is a non-profit organization that cares for and educates with non-releasable Birds of Prey. Their mission is “to strive for and promote the highest quality of care for raptors in captivity”.
This is one of several aviary training sessions the park ranger staff has attended with Wings to Soar over the past 3+years. The primary purpose of all of these aviary trainings is two fold:
- Ensure the highest quality of care for educational birds of prey and uniform care of the birds of prey at the aviary center by the staff.
- Improve the staff’s knowledge of all birds of prey including expanding our programming efforts with birds of prey for park visitors including our newest bald eagle #2.
In addition, thanks to the efforts of Ranger Dustin Crowell we have established and are developing an intern program at the aviary center that engages local youth into the care, handling and interpretation of birds of prey at Radnor Lake.
Since opening on May 2nd, 2015 the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center is open two days a week for park visitors with an anticipated 3 days a week in 2018 thanks to the addition of a new ranger position at Radnor Lake by TN State Parks Leadership.
Special thanks to Wings to Soar, Friends of Radnor Lake, the Barbara J. Mapp Foundation and Tennessee State Parks for their efforts in supporting our environmental education efforts at Radnor Lake State Natural Area.