After Thanksgiving Hike (Nov. 29th, 2019) at Radnor Lake

Dr. Doug Heffington from Henderson State University led our After Thanksgiving Hike at Radnor Lake on November 29th, 2019. 30 park visitors were led to one of the park’s newest ridgetops that was acquired in 2015 in a partnership between the State of Tennessee, Friends of Radnor Lake and the Harris Family known as the Harris Ridge Trail Project. This off-trail strenuous hike highlighted our current research partnership with Henderson State University field research classes the past two years and our current trail construction progress of our 3+ mile trail project from Franklin Road to Otter Creek Road. This hike concluded on top of the ridgetop where park visitors were able to see up close our award winning tulip poplar tree which recently won the Big Tree Award by the Nashville Tree Foundation.
Special thanks to Dr. Doug Heffington for traveling to Radnor Lake from Arkansas to lead this hike for us and to our neighbors at The Church of the Advent for their continued hospitality by allowing us to conduct this hike from their parking area yesterday!