New Year’s Eve Hike at Dyer Observatory


Hiking in the new year. On December 31st at 10pm, 81 hikers joined Rocky Alvey and the staff at Dyer Observatory for a viewing and tour of the observatory.  At 11pm, Ranger Sam King and Park Manager Steve Ward led a hike to the recently acquired, Radnor Lake State Natural Area, 40-acre ridgetop. During 2013 Steve Ward with the help of the Radnor Lake ranger staff, Friends of Radnor Lake Board and staff,  The Land Trust for Tennessee, Roger McCoy (TDNA) and Land Trust board member Bob Brandt; let over 58 hikes for 612 visitors on this new property along the southwestern portion of the natural area.  Acquired this year, this property was the result of a partnership between the State of Tennessee, Friends of Radnor Lake, The Land Trust for Tennessee and Vanderbilt-Dyer Observatory.
It was a beautiful, clear night, Friends of Radnor Lake provided beverages and refreshments before the hike. Good time had by all

New Year’s Hike 2012

New Year’s Hike 2013