Tennessee Disability Association meeting at Radnor Lake
On August 20, 2021 Our Tennessee State Parks ADA team, Don Tate and Nick Lewis met with Sunny Rosanbalm, the Founder of the non-profit organization Tucker’s House along with Sandra Zaccarl, the Therapy Coordinator for Tucker’s House. It was a wonderful meeting hosted at Radnor Lake State Park. Radnor Lake staff has been heavily involved in supporting disability groups and creating a great accessible place for visitors with disabilities. We had insightful conversations involving the future of all our park’s accessibility infrastructure. The opportunity to meet a group that is extremely passionate about helping those who struggle with disabilities is a tremendous honor. Tucker’s House has graciously offered to assist Tennessee State Parks in continuing to build and better support our visitors with disabilities. Their involvement will help us connect with visitors that need accessibility assistance by getting firsthand feedback of day-to-day challenges within our parks. We look forward to working with Tucker’s House to better serve all individuals within our community.
We would like to thank Don Tate and Nick Lewis for working with the Radnor Lake staff on improving our accessibility for visitors with special needs. Also, a special thank you to Friends of Radnor Lake for their financial support of our visitors with special needs partnerships.