Spring 2021 Kick-Off Harris Ridge Trail Project Hike (March 19th, 2021) at Radnor Lake
7 visitors joined Park Manager Steve Ward this morning for a 3 hour-strenuous interpretive sunrise hike to kick off Spring 2021 to Harris Ridge Tract #1 Ridgetop. This 3.5 mile strenuous off-trail hike started at 6am at the east parking area, allowing our visitors to view our progress of trail construction from our Jr. Ranger Interns over the summer of 2021, see newly emerging spring wildlflowers and ending with a steep climb to one of the southeastern ridgetops now known has the Harris 1 Tract.
Thank you to our hikers who got up early and spent their morning with us on our sunrise hike this morning to kick-off Spring 2021 at Radnor Lake State Natural Area!