Past Projects

The Friends of Radnor Lake work to identify and acquire land that boarders Radnor Lake State Natural Area. These efforts are designed to expand the natural area and protect sensitive areas from development.


2011 PROJECT: Harris Ridge

Imagine one of the largest undeveloped properties in Oak Hill sitting on a ridge overlooking Radnor Lake State Natural Area. Now picture those 36.8 acres of forest being cleared to make way for 18 houses or five ridgetop mansions. Fortunately, the Harris family, who has owned this property for decades, has recently agreed to sell to the Friends of Radnor Lake. This acquisition will extend the natural boundary of Radnor Lake State Natural Area and support what Radnor does best—preserve the natural habitat for wildlife and waterfowl forever.

With the potential threat of development around Radnor Lake, an opportunity to ensure that Harris Ridge is protected from development forever is an opportunity that can’t be missed. The acquisition of Harris Ridge will ultimately protect 12 acres of watershed and 14 acres of viewshed overlooking Radnor Lake.
With an acquisition cost of $900,000, substantially below market value and excluding additional costs, Harris Ridge will require the joint efforts of many Friends of Radnor Lake.  We are pleased to announce that the State of Tennessee has agreed to provide $500,000 of the purchase price with the provision that FORL deed this property and approximately 30 additional acres to the Radnor Lake State Natural Area. As well, the Cal Turner Family Foundation and the Adams Family Foundation have made pledges of $100,000 and $40,000 towards the acquisition of the Harris Tract as part of their continued mission of land conservation.
We are now looking to you to help us raise the balance of $300,000.
Make a contribution to Friends of Radnor Lake, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, whose mission is to preserve, protect and promote the Natural Area through land acquisition, environmental education and park support. Donate here or mail a check to Friends of Radnor Lake, P.O. Box 40324, Nashville, TN 37204.
Join Park Manager Steve Ward on an off-trail hike in the spring to see Harris Ridge and its importance to the natural area. Hike schedules will be posted at the Visitor Center beginning in April 2011.
Not only will connecting Harris Ridge to Radnor Lake make a difference by protecting the vegetation, wildlife and the “awe inspiring beauty” of Radnor Lake, it will make a difference for generations to come.

Land Acquisition to Date

Since our beginning, Friends of Radnor Lake have assisted in the acquisition of more than 600 acres of land surrounding the Lake.  Thanks to the partnership with the State of Tennessee, individual donors and our foundation partners, Radnor Lake State Natural Area now consists 1337 acres that is protected forever!
Click here to download a PDF map that shoes all land acquisitions to date.