Vegetative Research Hike with Dr. Robert Loeb

May 11
On Saturday, March 11th at 8am-10:00am there will be a special program by Dr. Robert Loeb from Penn State University at the Walter Criley Visitor Center.
Dr. Loeb will be discussing our research partnership focusing on the plant life of Radnor Lake State Natural Area over the past 10 years and the management issue ahead of us with the Invasive Species -Eastern Ash Borer. The anticipated impact upon our tree populations, past research on endangered plants and our current research funded by Friends of Radnor Lake that is helping us in our development of the Harris Ridge Trail Project.
After his power point presentation, Dr. Loeb will lead a hike on the lake trail at Radnor Lake as will highlight the long-term vegetative research conducted at Radnor Lake between Tennessee State Parks, Tennessee Division of Natural Areas, Friends of Radnor Lake and Penn State University.
Participants will get to view one of our newest plant discoveries at Radnor Lake State Natural Area and the focus of our current research regarding the impact of invasive-exotic plants.
Special thanks to Friends of Radnor Lake for providing annual funding for our vegetative research and supporting this partnership at Radnor Lake!
Meet at:
Walter Criley Visitor Center at Radnor Lake
To Register, please visit: